Client: Verso Skincare

Outcome: Custom library
with 611 branded images

Duration: 22 days

The assignment

Verso is a Swedish brand providing science-based skincare products “for everyday simplicity and quality of life”. They needed lifestyle and product images for social media, website, and other marketing purposes.

The visual content required had to depict real people, needs and experiences with the authenticity and personal touch that characterizes the brand. Instead of planning multiple photoshoots, Verso tried Cherrydeck Branded Stock to source custom content in a stress-free way in just a matter of weeks.

The process

First, Verso submitted a brief and their brand guidelines stating their Do’s and Dont’s. Then, we opened applications on our platform to find the right photographers for the job.

Consequently, Cherrydeck shortlisted and selected the most fitting professionals for the project from a pool of over 200 applicants from all over Europe. Three photographers were selected for the job based on brand fit and expertise.

The next step for Verso was to ship their desired products to the respective addresses, and simply wait for results!

The results

Shortly after, the brand received over 600 ready-to-buy custom images. Finally, the last step for the brand was to review, select and purchase their favorite images. The process between brief submission and first purchase took just 22 days!

Both selected and unselected images remained stored for a year on the brands content marketplace for further use. You can already check out some of Verso’s Branded Stock on their Instagram page.

The success of Verso’s first experience using Branded Stock resulted in the brand requiring our service again to create multiple custom stock photography libraries with different themes and motives.

Verso Skincare Branded Stock
Verso’s Branded Stock at

Cherrydeck Branded Stock works for a variety of industries within consumer brands. Explore more success stories here, or read about the experiences of VitamalzFrank JuicePerifitSorbas Shoes, Edzard or Blackroll.

Are you ready to create your brand’s custom stock photography library depicting your own products? Try Cherrydeck Branded Stock today!

Photography by Bernhardina Hörnstein, Giulia Maretti and Jill Bettendorff.

Posted by:Cherrydeck Editorial

Our mission is to enable brands to source custom visual content at scale through our global creative community. Follow us on Instagram for the latest updates @cherrydeck

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