After being discovered on Cherrydeck, photographer Uiler Costa was contacted by the Four Seasons Magazine for an assignment. Their exciting collaboration, capturing the gastronomic moment of São Paulo, is now available. 

Back in September, Uiler Costa was approached via Cherrydeck by the creative director of the Four Seasons Magazine. For the assignment, he teamed up with the writer Nell McShane Wulfhart (@nellmw) and Antônio Chequer (@achequer), and embarked on the journey exploring the vibrant culinary scene of São Paulo, the city fueled with Chefs’ confidence and glittered with 14 Michelin-Stars restaurants. 

Uiler Costa Cherrydeck Four Seasons Magazine

Had so much fun zipping around São Paulo to put together this article for the Four Seasons magazine. A group of chefs is turning the city’s culinary scene upside-down, with new ingredients and all-day dining.

Uiler Costa

I’m so grateful to live the life that I have, and celebrating that is the least I can do. We should all be grateful – celebrating life makes it easier.

Uiler Costa

Uiler Costa is an aerial and travel photographer. With a background in graphic design and multimedia production, he has been mastering photography professionally since 2012. Despite having grown up and still living in Salvador, Brazil, he is an avid world traveler who often finds himself being on the go. His work can be found in leading magazines such as National Geographic. 

To read the complete article visit the the online edition of the Four Seasons Magazine, and to see more of Uiler’s work you can check out his Cherrydeck profile, his website, or his feature on our September’s Editors’ Choice, here.

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Posted by:Cherrydeck Editorial

Our mission is to enable brands to source custom visual content at scale through our global creative community. Follow us on Instagram for the latest updates @cherrydeck

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