We asked the models in our community to share with us a photoshoot that best displayed the holiday around the corner — Halloween! Take a look at how model Illia Berehovskyi shows how Halloween can be reflected through makeup.

After going through all the submissions, we are excited to share with you the Halloween vibe as presented by our model, Illia Berehovskyi! The fashion, commercial, and sports model presented his take on the season of spooks and shared his vision on how Halloween can be reflected through makeup.

Illia was inspired to create intriguing looks as they act as a reflection of his feelings and authenticity. When he was younger he closed himself off, and did not let his true interests and character show. However, now through pops of colour and concepts, he can show his true self.

Take a look below to see how Illia best defined Halloween with the art of makeup!

how Halloween can be reflected through makeup

The butterfly is a symbol of tears and experiences through which I passed and opened up.

Illia Berehovskyi

Illia’s artistic approach is the perfect interpretation of Halloween and how it can be celebrated through one’s self-reflection and artistry.

how Halloween can be reflected through makeup
how Halloween can be reflected through makeup
how Halloween can be reflected through makeup

19-year-old model, Illia Berehovskyi is based in Ko?omyja, Ukraine. The up and coming model specialises in the fashion, commercial, and sports fields, and has a fascination for displaying his vision through makeup.

To see more of Illia’s work take a look at his Cherrydeck profile! Can’t get enough of the season of spooks? Stay tuned for ‘Silence’ by Bogdan Botofei soon to be published on the blog. ?

Posted by:Cherrydeck Editorial

Our mission is to enable brands to source custom visual content at scale through our global creative community. Follow us on Instagram for the latest updates @cherrydeck

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