With an ever-rising competition in the digital consumer scene, it is crucial to stay up to date with the trends that will make your product photography stand out!

It has been three years since the pandemic began and rapidly fostered using digital channels across businesses and organizations. For many consumers, this shift has been permanent: products that used to be bought solely in-store are now bought online.

Traditional businesses have to adapt to the ever-changing digital consumer environment to know how to market their products and e-commerce businesses. They have to innovate to stand out from the crowd.

Check out these 8 trends that are transforming product photography this year!
Side note: Remember to keep present your brand’s photography style.

Products In Motion

With attention spans reducing and online shopping rising, it is increasingly necessary to show your goods in use and in motion. This does not mean a promo video, but rather a short clip of your product moving – like a GIF! It is interactive, attracts attention, and drives engagement.

Stop-motion animation is a great way to hop into this trend with your product for social media. For your e-commerce website, you should opt for 360°spin imagery, which allows customers to evaluate the product from all angles as if they were holding it in their hands. Definitely a helpful form of product photography for online shoppers.

Unedited/Authentic images

An overarching product photography trend is authenticity – think real landscapes, real elements, and real scenes. Trust us, customers can see through over-edited staged photographs. People are tired of pictures involving fake laughing, awkward poses, no chemistry.

Remember to show some personality and always represent your product in a setting where it’s meant to be used or consumed. False and over-glamorized representations of real-life are out.

Levitating objects

With a sense of surrealism, levitation and movement in product photography are a hot trend. Give your product photographs that playful and magical essence. You can make objects float with props or with great editing.

This levitating characteristic adds a different feel to your image and gives it a touch of oddness for the curious mind – eye-catching, for sure!


The idea of minimalist product photography is to create a self-standing image that sends the message across without the need for excess text or items in the photograph. 

With a minimalistic layout, there are no elements distracting your potential customers from your items. Consequently, a monochromatic color palette and no clashing colors are a must. You are trying to convey more with less, so focus on making your item stand out with a touch of stylish expression.

Basically, careful placement of your product and every aspect of the image to create a high-contrast but minimal design is key to your success

Real diverse models

It is important to find models that look the closest to your target audience but people – now more than ever – want to see real diverse bodies and faces, and feel actually represented.

Less skin texture smoothing, body resizing, face-tuning, and photoshop. Embrace natural beauty. In other words, consumers want to know how your product actually looks on a face with acne, how your clothes look like on a curvy person, how your makeup looks like on different skin tones, and so on.

Contemporary Still Life

Two things characterize this trend: the right light, studio-setting, the object as subject.

Think of precise composition and lighting that focuses on showing the surface of objects, establishing the mood, and drawing the viewer’s attention. Natural lighting has always been a recurring trend in product photography, but here it is used to give a cozy feel or render elegant shadows and a mysterious vibe when necessary.

Geometry and shapes

This trend dives into the mid-century modern design movement and is characterized by symmetry, lack of decorative embellishments, and no clutter.

In product photography, this translates into contrasting colors, interesting figures, futuristic vibes but no distracting elements.

A must try: Colorful backgrounds and repetitive objects

Place one or more products in a pattern – or edit them as such with photoshop – and make use of the color wheel to make them stand out. This gets you a dazzling image, that also makes a great wallpaper!

Cloud Storage

Receiving and storing your product photographs has never been easier. With cloud storage, you are not only able to see your pictures within devices but also to share them instantly.

For instance, platforms like Picdrop allow for easy image transfer, selection, and reviews. As a brand, it is crucial to get familiar with these tools in order to leverage their benefits and save precious time.

Professional product photography is now more accessible

Have you heard of Branded Stock?

Cherrydeck now allows you to create visual content without having to plan a whole photoshoot or commit a high budget from the start. With Cherrydeck Branded Stock you can obtain product photography in a stress-free and cost-effective way following your own brand guidelines.

All you need to do is send your products to pre-selected creators. After a couple of days, you will receive access to a library with hundreds of branded media. Explore our success stories!

Let’s sum it up!

These product photography trends are ruling the industry :

Looking for more inspiration? Make sure to check out these 17 creative product photography ideas for your brand!

Make sure to check out our tips for creating product photography that sells, and our insights on food, beauty, jewelry, or skincare product photography for e-commerce websites!

We have got you covered with an article on all you need to know about product photography for eCommerce.

To understand more about our services, schedule a demo:

Posted by:Cherrydeck Editorial

Our mission is to enable brands to source custom visual content at scale through our global creative community. Follow us on Instagram for the latest updates @cherrydeck

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