Avatar image of Photographer Alessandro Mastellone

Alessandro Mastellone

Brighton, UK

Travel & Landscape | Food & Still Life | Fashion & Beauty

Alessandro was born in Italy in the hearth of Amalfi Coast in 1987. He studied Art at the Art institute of Sorrento and has got an A-level in Art of Press. ​Coming from a low-income medium level family he had to work in different fields since he was 13. His can-do approach, fast learning ability, problem solving attitude and being an hard worker person opened for him a broad range of job opportinities going trough shoe shop assistant, fruit market delivery worker, computer technician, network technician, jewelery salesman and finally luxury car  tour driver on the Amalfi coast, which was his job during his last two years in Italy. In the meantime he was also studying and practicing photography as a hobbyist. In 2014 graduated in photography at "Accademia Domani" e-learning academy. ​In November 2015 he moved to  Perth, Australia where, in 2016 got a professional online diploma in Photography at "the Photography Institute" and started working as a freelance photographer. ​In 2016 Alessandro moved to England where he lives right now, and kept working as a photographer, across other side jobs, to be able to keep studying, improving his abilities and define his style. His style is very different from most of the UK photographers, this influence may come from his italian background and the habit of be pervaded by the colours, the tastes, the scents of the life around him. In each shot he tries to catch all the beauty of the environment without distracting the observer from the real subject. His shots may be not candid and airy, but they certainly are colourful, full of life, intimate. ​If you like his style, you will love his personality, you will go along very good and you will appreciate him as a person and as a professional. ​Let's have a chat, I won't bite!










Alessandro was born in Italy in the hearth of Amalfi Coast in 1987. He studied Art at the Art institute of Sorrento and has got an A-level in Art of Press. ​Coming from a low-income medium level family he had to work in different fields since he was 13. His can-do approach, fast learning ability, problem solving attitude and being an hard worker person opened for him a broad range of job opportinities going trough shoe shop assistant, fruit market delivery worker, computer technician, network technician, jewelery salesman and finally luxury car  tour driver on the Amalfi coast, which was his job during his last two years in Italy. In the meantime he was also studying and practicing photography as a hobbyist. In 2014 graduated in photography at "Accademia Domani" e-learning academy. ​In November 2015 he moved to  Perth, Australia where, in 2016 got a professional online diploma in Photography at "the Photography Institute" and started working as a freelance photographer. ​In 2016 Alessandro moved to England where he lives right now, and kept working as a photographer, across other side jobs, to be able to keep studying, improving his abilities and define his style. His style is very different from most of the UK photographers, this influence may come from his italian background and the habit of be pervaded by the colours, the tastes, the scents of the life around him. In each shot he tries to catch all the beauty of the environment without distracting the observer from the real subject. His shots may be not candid and airy, but they certainly are colourful, full of life, intimate. ​If you like his style, you will love his personality, you will go along very good and you will appreciate him as a person and as a professional. ​Let's have a chat, I won't bite!









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