Malumbo Simwaka is professional photographer and videographer who owns Amaru Photography. Amaru Photography offers services of the highest caliber to individuals, NGO'ʹs, International Organizations and private sector companies since 2010. From first rank documentation of fieldwork in distant settlements and communities, to ingenious commercial images intricately captured and rich in detail. We document video of high quality and well informative content. We aim at bringing out the best in our clients and their brands; making them outclass the classy with professional equipment & longer lasting impressions; closing the gap between them and any global standard. Based in Blantyre and I travel to many places in Malawi to capture stories using photography and video production. I have worked for prominent local and international organisations such as UNICEF, Save the Children, GIZ, JTI, WaterAid, USAID, Project Concern International, Help a Child, Sightsavers UK, Christian Aid UK, Catholic Relief Services, International Monetary Fund and World Relief Malawi. I have won some awards through my firm Amaru Photography. Amaru has been awarded several international and local prizes for its photography expertise and artistry exhibition including Humans of Malawi, Misuku Hill Art Challenge and World Bank Photography Competition among others.
Malumbo Simwaka is professional photographer and videographer who owns Amaru Photography. Amaru Photography offers services of the highest caliber to individuals, NGO'ʹs, International Organizations and private sector companies since 2010. From first rank documentation of fieldwork in distant settlements and communities, to ingenious commercial images intricately captured and rich in detail. We document video of high quality and well informative content. We aim at bringing out the best in our clients and their brands; making them outclass the classy with professional equipment & longer lasting impressions; closing the gap between them and any global standard. Based in Blantyre and I travel to many places in Malawi to capture stories using photography and video production. I have worked for prominent local and international organisations such as UNICEF, Save the Children, GIZ, JTI, WaterAid, USAID, Project Concern International, Help a Child, Sightsavers UK, Christian Aid UK, Catholic Relief Services, International Monetary Fund and World Relief Malawi. I have won some awards through my firm Amaru Photography. Amaru has been awarded several international and local prizes for its photography expertise and artistry exhibition including Humans of Malawi, Misuku Hill Art Challenge and World Bank Photography Competition among others.