Tanya Kalyan
Pokrov, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine
Travel city: Nicosia, Cyprus
People & Lifestyle | Fine Arts
I am a photographer and illustrator. I like to create beautiful art photographs, sometimes collages that look realistic. Photography is my passion, hobby, which has grown into my favorite business. I like to catch interesting moments and convey the beauty of our wonderful world. Any photo shooting for me contains an element of intrigue and unpredictability and a lot of creativity from all participants in the process .. Each photographer sees and conveys the world in his own way, but love for this kind of creativity should unite us and enrich us without creating fierce competition .. Any creativity has the right to be. And the viewer himself decides what is closer to him .. My favorite phrase is "Beauty in the eye of the beholder." My philosophy of life is "Everyone sees the world through the prism of his consciousness." ... Let's create beauty together :-)
I am a photographer and illustrator. I like to create beautiful art photographs, sometimes collages that look realistic. Photography is my passion, hobby, which has grown into my favorite business. I like to catch interesting moments and convey the beauty of our wonderful world. Any photo shooting for me contains an element of intrigue and unpredictability and a lot of creativity from all participants in the process .. Each photographer sees and conveys the world in his own way, but love for this kind of creativity should unite us and enrich us without creating fierce competition .. Any creativity has the right to be. And the viewer himself decides what is closer to him .. My favorite phrase is "Beauty in the eye of the beholder." My philosophy of life is "Everyone sees the world through the prism of his consciousness." ... Let's create beauty together :-)