Client: Sorbas Shoes

Outcome: Custom stock library with 544 images

Duration: 34 days

The assignment

Sorbas Shoes is an ethical and sustainable footwear brand. They were looking for on-brand images that could be used in their newsletter, social channels, and website.

Instead of planning a whole production, the brand decided to try Cherrydeck Branded Stock to source the imagery needed. This would allow Sorbas Shoes to produce high-quality pictures in a quick, cost-effective, and stress-free way – and that is also more environmentally friendly.

The process

The brand submitted a briefing along with their guidelines stating the Do’s and Dont’s when it comes to the desired photography style. Then, the Cherrydeck team was in charge of finding the right creatives for the remote job.

After shortlisting more than 200 applicants, three photographers were selected for the assignment.

Accordingly, the brand shipped multiple shoes from their collection to the respective creatives’ addresses, and simply waited a couple weeks for the results!

The results

Ultimately, Sorbas received a library of more than 500 images featuring their very own shoes. A variety of angles, shadows, perspectives and settings were included among the pictures received.

The final step was for the brand to select and purchase their favorites. With Cherrydeck Branded Stock, they were able to pay only for the images they liked!

Then, both selected and non-selected photographs remain stored in the brand’s private content marketplace and accessible for further purchases.

You can already spot some of the images on the Instagram page of Sorbas Shoes!

Cherrydeck Branded Stock works across the range of industries within consumer bands: cosmetics, footwear, food, beverages, fashion, electronics and more.

You can create your own brand’s custom photography library that depicts your identity and products! Try Cherrydeck Branded Stock today.

Check out more success stories here, or read on the experiences of Yamo, 5,0 BierLa merEdzard, or Blackroll.

Pictures by Chloé Clément, Florian Wellnhofer and Laura Knipsael.

Posted by:Cherrydeck Editorial

Our mission is to enable brands to source custom visual content at scale through our global creative community. Follow us on Instagram for the latest updates @cherrydeck

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